52 Photos Project – Week 39

The prompt over at 52 Photos this week is Wide Open Spaces. I’ve not been spending a lot of time in any open spaces, narrow or wide, largely because it’s so cold in Charlotte right about now and inside is way better than being outside. But the biggest reason is I’m working on a little project that is keeping me indoors a lot lately. I hope to be able to reveal the details of that project to you soon.

In the meantime I needed a pic for this week’s gallery. I dug into my archives and came up with a pic from my trip to Moldova last year. You can read all about why I went to Moldova over on my Facebook page (disclaimer: For the longest time I couldn’t get the fact that Moldova was NOT in Russia to stick in my head. Geography was never my strongest subject). I wasn’t blogging yet so I had to resort to writing a note on Facebook. Oddly enough it was that trip that stirred me to reignite this blog đŸ™‚ Anyhoo, here’s the pic I chose for this week’s submission.

IMG_2718The one day that we were to spend the majority of our time outside because we had a free day, was the ONLY day that it snowed during our trip. I’m not a fan of the snow but I will say that some of the pics I got were really pretty. Here are a few more.





As usual the other photographers have done a stellar job with their submissions. Go check out this week’s gallery and leave some love for some of the photogs. As always thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings.

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